eBooks to help you navigate events
that life may bring you.

We're proud to provide you with this library of free eBooks.
Our goal is to guide you through some of life's more complex
events so you can protect your family across the Generations.
If you wish to receive a printed booklet, please contact our office
at 978-263-0006.

Life Conversation with Your Important People

It’s never easy to talk about uncomfortable topics. And few things are more difficult to discuss than death or dying, particularly with those closest to us. But after speaking with your important people about your wishes, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that you’ve given them a road map to follow.

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Estate Planning Essentials

Estate Planning is a process that helps you to manage your assets.
There are many reasons for one to need estate planning. Some reasons are, the death of a partner or spouse, illness or disability, change in financial circumstances, changes in family structure and issues with inheritance taxes.

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Understanding Benefits for Seniors

A key part of effective retirement and estate planning includes an assessment of your potential benefits. In this informative guide, you’ll explore basic benefits at the federal, state, and local level to ensure you’re taking advantage of all that you may be entitled to receive.

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Life Conversations with Your Aging Parents

It’s never easy to talk about uncomfortable topics. And few things are more difficult to talk about than death or dying, particularly with a loved one. But after talking with your parents, you’ll have peace of mind, because you won’t be left guessing what they would have wanted.

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Life Conversations with Your Adult Children

Have you told your adult children your plans and wishes for your golden years? If you’re like most of us, you probably haven’t. At least not yet. After having these important life conversations with your adult children, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that you’ve lessened their burden by giving them a road map to follow.

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10 Things to consider when a loved one is hospitalized

10 Things to Consider When a Loved One is Hospitalized

A heart attack, stroke, or a bad fall can put a loved one in the hospital without warning. If you are the person taking on the leadership role in navigating the healthcare process, here are ten things you should know when a loved one is hospitalized.

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GLG What to Do After A Death in the Family

What to Do After a Death in the Family

A death in the family is one of the most difficult life events that any of us will have to face. At Generations Law Group, we find that we are one of the first calls that clients make after their loved one has died. We created this e-book to help you navigate through this difficult time. We hope it helps to alleviate some of the stress and questions that you may have.

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How A Trust Can Help You and Your Family

How A Trust Can Help You and Your Family
New and improved version, 2024. 

Trusts aren’t just for the wealthy. In fact, most individuals can benefit from having a Trust. In this informative book, you’ll learn the Trust basics, how they differ from Wills, the drawbacks of not having a Trust, and what steps to take to explore if a Trust is right for you.

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